Many of the poems found on this page were written and submitted to share with others. If you would like to submit a Christian poem, please e-mail If the poem has a title, kindly include it, with your name and address at the bottom. These should be your own poems or poems that are not copyrighted. We hope to update these pages of poems at the end of each month. In each update, all additions are placed at the beginning of a section. We'll make every effort to ensure copyright is protected. However, if you spot any acknowledgment errors or if a poem is copyright and ought not to be on this site, please let us know and we will remove it.

Thank you and I hope you are ministered to in Jesus name.

Fill me

Fill me with love
Fill me with hope
Fill my heart with joy
Satisfy me with the bread of life
Fill my thirsty soul and drench my spirit with your blessed
heavenly showers and rivers of living waters
Fill me with compassion for the lost, and with yearning to preach your words
Fill me with fruits of the spirit and let them all be manifested in my life
Fill me with your gifts and let me use them to the glory of your
name and edification of the body of Christ
Fill me with riches untold and let my store house never run dry
Fill me afresh, Oh Lord with your spirit and let it overflow in Jesus’ name.

Dr. Foyeke Christiana Tolani © 2009

Are you lonely?

Lean on Him, when you are weak and not so happy;
He cares, knows and sees all your troubles and heartaches
He will be there for you, just call on Him and lean on Him
Try it; sing a love song to Him and you will be alright
Call on Him and He will attend to your cry;
Speak to Him and He will answer
Forsake your sins and He will never leave you nor forsake you
I mean Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you forever.

Dr. Foyeke Christiana Tolani © 2009

Jesus - a friend in deed

Lord you are a friend indeed
A friend to hold, touch and who in turn is touched by our infirmities
A friend to love and cherish, and who in turn loves us to the extent
of laying down His life
A friend to call, talk to, sing for and be well assured that whatever
sound is produced is sweet melody in His ears
A friend to hail, express gratitude, and appreciation for always
being there in times of need and trouble
Lord you are a friend indeed

Lord you are a friend indeed
A friend who truly cares and never disappoints
A friend of solace, peace and someone I am always comfortable with
A friend of good reputation, worth identifying with
A friend that shows no bias or discrimination but supports through thin and thick
Lord you are a friend indeed

Lord you are a friend indeed
A friend that encourages and supports every worthy cause
A friend that equips, energises and propels unto greater heights
A friend that withholds not the truth but is open, honest and fair
A friend that sticks closer than a brother
A friend that truly cares for me with constant words of encouragement
Lord you are a friend indeed

Dr Foyeke Christiana Tolani © 2009

Trust in God

"He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings for the rain; he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries. Psalm 135:7"

Our God who reignest up on high,
Though lightnings flash across the sky,
And howling tempests hurry by,
We fear not these, for Thou art nigh
To all who trust in Thee.

Though now the sky is overcast,
And heavy rains are falling fast,
And storm and sleet go driving past,
And day by day the moaning blast
Sweeps dead leaves from the tree,

November time, that seems so drear,
When days are dark and winter near,
Will pass at length, and Christmas cheer
The last hours of the dying year
With song and dance and mirth.

And in due time Thy mighty power
Will give the spring, with sun and shower,
The opening leaf, the early flower,
And birds in every woodland bower
Will sing to gladden earth.

Christian Poetry by Anonymous
Public Domain
